Every cell in the human body has a cycle of life and death. When cells die off, the body replaces them so as to keep the body functional. This substitution is done by a special cell known as the STEM CELL. As we grow older, the number of microorganisms/cells in like manner lessens, making us prone to ordinary age-related diseases like Hypertension, Diabetes, Cancer, Arthritis, Stroke and so on.
STC 30 provides the body with a unique source of STEM CELLS which activate, revive, repair or even regenerate dead/broken-down cells. These cells tends to empowers the body to begin to heal itself of various diseases including diabetes, stroke, kidney disease, and more than 150 ailments.
HOW TO ADMINISTER (best taken before breakfast)
DOSE: One - two every day depending on severity of sickness.
DISCLAIMER: The product itself does not cure diseases but it enables the body to do its own healing known as regenerative medicine. Remember, Good health is expensive but it is worth spending on.
Important Notice: Dear customer, your health is very important to us. Please consult your Doctor or other qualified health care professional before using this product. Thank you